Tag Archives: Uniq The Tux

My Pinterest board of MacBook Air 11″ cases

Last year, I thought the CaseCrown Book Cover Clip On Case was the perfect always-on case for our current 6th graders to use with their brand new MacBook Air 11″ laptops. Our students use the same machine for their 3 years of middle school, and then the school sells them back to Apple. This CaseCrown faux-leather cover is only $20 on Amazon. There are also other brands marketing the same case (Acase, SmackTom).

The CaseCrown cases have held up remarkably well! I totally though the elastic straps at the top would have snapped by now, yet somehow they are all intact. However, my two reservations have to do with the fact that the top corners of the laptop are exposed and some of the laptops are developing dinged/curling edges (as kids are clearly occasionally dropping their machines). Also, I don’t know if I love the snap at the front. I see fidgety kids snapping/unsnapping this closure during class discussions when their laptops are shut. It’s a super annoying sound when you notice it.

So, I have a begun a search for the perfect (or at least) better case. I’m going to be purchasing a few test models this week. Gina Marcel (K-2 Ed Tech here at The School) suggested I gather interesting models in a Pinterest board (see below). I’d love suggestions if you know of other great cases to consider…

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