Tag Archives: michael muhanna

Pics and notes from #TeacherTuesdays at @littleBits store tonight. #STEAM #MakerEd


The littleBits pop-up retail shop in Soho is prototyping hosting Teacher Tuesdays this month. I was super honored and excited to be the special guest at tonight’s event organized by Michael Muhanna.

I introduced the Parts, Purposes and Complexities exercise (via Agency By Design out of Harvard Graduate School of Education) that I learned about in June while at Design Do Discover. As per their Twitter  bio, @AgencybyDesign is “A multiyear research initiative at Project Zero investigating the promises, practices, and pedagogies of maker-centered learning experiences.”

This activity is perfect for an introductory exploration of littleBits, as it encourages individual or small group exploration of the various parts (in this case, the bits), their separate purposes, and how they fit together magnetically to form more complex circuits.

It was awesome to see familiar faces in the audience including three awesome ladies from @MarymountNY (@lesa_wang, @MaureenrReilly, and @snipskmw) who are launching a 1:1 litlltBits program staying in graders 3,4, and 5 this year. Check out their awesome tweets as they share their students’ progress and explorations!

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